Sermons & Offerings
Sermon Text: Jeremiah 1:4-10 NRSV
Faith United Church of Christ, State College, PA
Before I formed You
“And as if God knew we needed more assurance in times of upheaval and confusion, God does something that no other prophet experiences… God touches Jeremiah. God reaches out and touches Jeremiah’s lips. As almost to symbolize… I formed these lips for the word and actions of my love through you.”
Sermon, Service of Word & Table & Sending
Sermon Text: Toni Morrison’s Beloved & Psalm 139, NRSV
Columbia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga
Sermon given at Columbia Theological Seminary during Imago Dei’s 2022 Pride Week. Sermon was intentional crafted alongside BIPOC colleagues and friends who were compensated for their reading of this sermon and conversation to make this service what it became. The sermon was untitled in the bulletin intentionally. Helped plan the service as a whole as co-leader of Imago Dei, a queer-led student group at Columbia Theological Seminary.
Sermon Text: Matthew 17:1-9 NRSV
First Christian Church of Decatur, Decatur GA
Listening to our grief for healing
Sermon given two weeks after congregation learned their pastor was facing another cancer diagnosis. Contextually delivered a sermon toward this truth and the truth of the church’s history of being a dwelling of healing & care for one another.
A covenant of love
“This is the covenant we share with each other and God. To believe, to show up, and to love one another and God without wavering. As simple as this is stated, I know all too well, it is terribly hard. However, I believe, that in community friends, it is possible to provoke one another to love.…”
Sermon Text: John 3:1-17 NRSV
Faith United Church of Christ, State College, PA
The Vessels God Gives Us
Queering the Book of Daniel. Sermon on the sacredness of our bodies.
Sermon Text: Daniel 6 NRSV
Middle Church, Manhattan, NY & Global/National
Sermon Text: John 3:1-17 NRSV
Faith United Church of Christ, State College, PA
as the wind guides us
“Our salvation doesn’t become fulfilled because we understand all the mystery of our faith. To be saved is fulfilled when in spite of what we do not know we still choose to go with the wind…”
Sermon on the Trinity with a focus on John 3:17
Read Sermon text Here.
Trans Day of Remembrance & Resilience Imago Dei Service
Planned and organized TDOR alongside colleagues for Imago Dei’s second annual TDOR offering.
Columbia Theological Seminary, Atlanta, GA
Prayer & Liturgy
‘Trans youth lives matter’: UCC leaders commit to love and justice in action amidst anti-LGBTQ bills
“…It is critical that we name the horrific nature of these policies for what they are: violent attempts to disrupt God’s creation in bloom…Trans youth are sacred members of our collective kin-dom. Now more than ever, trans youth need us. And, in this rupturing moment of violence, our Christ-centered response can be one of returning to abundance that God gives us to flourish.”
Read the full statement, here.
Columbia Theological Seminary Opening Convocation, 195th Session
Offered the prayer of illumination for Columbia’s 195th Convocation.
Communion Prayer
Offered prayer after communion and helped plan the service as a whole as co-leader of Imago Dei, a queer-led student group at Columbia Theological Seminary.
Election Night Peace & Prayer
Faith UCC of State College partnered with congregations across the US to offer an election night prayer vigil. During the vigil, I led those gathered in an intentional centering and poetry reading of Rainer Marie Rilke’s All Will Come Again.
Read this portion of the liturgy here.
Children’s Ministry
Served Faith United Church of State College as their Children Education and Spiritual Formation Coordinator 2020-2022. Continues to serve Faith UCC as an authorized lay minister and delegate at-large for the Penn Central Conference.

Digital Ministry
Served Middle Church, Manhattan NY, as their Ministry Specialist for Communications & Design, 2022-2023.

Currently Serving as Team Lead & Minister of Gender & Human Sexuality for the United Church of Christ (JLCM)
In Gratitude
For Martha, always.